Saturday, 2 May 2009

Analogue Snitch doom special!

How to deal with the threat of annihilation from viral nasties:

  • Keep away from large congregations, such as public transport and cinemas
  • Lock yourself away and throw away the key
  • Arrange for somebody to paint a black cross on your street door
  • Keep supplies of petrol at hand
  • Incinerate all deceased relatives
Dr Ophelia Balls, chief medical officer for the Gala Bingo, Cleethorpes has this advice:

"Ordinarily, I would counsel against any panic, but seeing as we all have only days to live, I suggest you run like the wind ... we're all gonna die!!!"

The Health ministry, in conjunction with Domino's Pizza has initiated a food supply scheme for infected people in their death throes to reduce infection risk. "It is vital at this time that we feed patients efficiently and safely" stated Sir Julian Calendar, permanent secretary at the Department of Hysteria. Asked why they were specifically being supplied with pizzas, Sir Julian replied that "it's the only thing we can get under the fucking door."

This publication will return with updates, if we are still alive tomorrow.


  1. There is no Gala in Cleethorpes - it's not that up market! Only a cliftons ;)

  2. Ooh Cliftons ... They play two lines for packets of Tena Lady there, don't they?

  3. Got it in one ;)



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