Altruist, raconteur and widower of the nation's queen of hearts Jack Tweed was reportedly terrified of bumping into Boy George while sharing the same shower room this week. Tweed (pictured on holiday in the USA last year) was heard to say: "I ain't gettin' in the shower wiv' that fucking bender!" Articulate to the end, the great man continued: "Winston (Tweed's cellmate) would go fucking mental if he sees George around me. I'm his bitch and nobody elses. It's bad enough sharin' wiv' 'im! That reminds me ... I've gotta get to the prison shop and get some Listerine ... fucking need it in this place! Better get a rubber ring while I'm at it."
Sources close to the prison administration refute claims that Tweed has been receiving preferential treatment while inside. One was willing to go on record as saying that "the kedgeree breakfast, lobster thermidore at Lunchtime and scallops at Dinner are "thoroughly normal fare at this prison."
The source was equally dismissive of claims that his incarceration had become a media circus. "This has all come about because of a misunderstanding. Tweed was put to work in the prison kitchen. He asked if he could gain access to a mincer and suddenly an OK! Magazine journalist was summoned. It was all a silly accident."
Tweed is due for release any time in the next ten minutes.